【CSP】Maggots Brushes 蛆蟲筆刷
※This material contains uncomfortable factor.
Please refer to the notes before placing an order.
If you have a CLIP Studio assets account, you can refer to its price. Maggots brush(30cp).
Please search user: "Takeliongawa" on CLIP Studio assets, thank you.
Takeliongawa_Maggot brushThere are Maggots Brushes, Line, Black & White, Grayscale, Color. In addition to the category "color", these all can change color. There are 21 brushes in total.
Whether these Maggots Brushes are on CLIP Studio assets or Gumroad, they are the same type and quantity, please choose to buy according to your needs, thank you.
You will get in the zip:
There are 21 brushes in total. Thank you.
You will get 21 brushes.
6.82 MB
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